Job vacancy in Tenughat Vidyut Nigam Limited 2017 | 2017 Government Sarkari Naukri Jobs

Job vacancy in Tenughat Vidyut Nigam Limited

Naukri vacancy in Tenughat Vidyut Nigam
Tenughat Vidyut Nigam Limited (TVNL), a Govt. of Jharkhand Undertaking as power generating company in the state of Jharkhand invites application from qualified and suitable candidate  for the following positions (Employment Advertisement No. 01/2017) :

Vacancies :

  1. Personnel Officer : 02 posts
  2. Accounts Officer : 02 posts
  3. Estate Officer : 01 post
  4. Safety Officer : 01 post
  5. Assistant Executive Engineers : 05 posts
  6. Assistant Executive Engineer (I.T.) : 02 posts
  7. Assistant Personnel Officer : 06 posts
  8. Assistant Operator : 40 posts

Naukri Recruitment Vacancy in State Power Companies

Application Fee :  

Rs. 1000/- only plus online bank transaction charges as applicable for all categories except ST/SC candidates of Jharkhand. The application fee for ST/SC candidates of Jharkhand is Rs. 500/-  only plus online bank transaction charges as applicable.

How to Apply :  

Apply Online at TVNL website from 07/02/2017 to 04/03/2017 only.

Details and application format : 

Please visit    for details and online application format.

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