Haryana Police Constable Telecommunication wing vacancy 2017 | 2017 Government Sarkari Naukri Jobs

Constables Telecommunication Wing vacancy in Haryana Police 2017 

Haryana Government Naukri vacancy

Haryana State Selection Commission (HSSC), Sector-2, Panchkula (Haryana) invites Online applications from eligible candidates for to the following  posts of Constables Telecommunication Wing for Police Department of Haryana Government (Advt. No. 3/2017)  :

Constable Vacancies :

    Haryana Police naukri recruitment
  • Constable (Male) (Telecommunication Wing) : 509 posts, Age : 18-25 years, Pay Scale : ₹21700/- Level 3 of 7th Pay CPC Pay Matrix, Qualification : 10+2  and Knowledge of Hindi/ Sanskrit up to Matric standard.

    Application Fee :  

    ₹100/-   (₹25/- for SC/BC/EBPG  of Haryana only) to be paid by Net Banking or e-Challan in any branch of SBI, SBP, PNB and IOBI Bank.

    How to Apply :  

    Apply online at Haryana SSC website from 20/02/2017 to 20/03/2017 only.

    Details and Application Format : 

    For details and instructions etc. for HSSC Advt. No. 03/2017, please visit at http://hssc.gov.in/advertisements.htm   for more details and online submission of application.

    PS : Recruitment of Constable (GD) in Haryana Police is also open till 28/02/2017 only.


    Recruitment of Constable Bandsman and Mounted Armed Police in Haryana Police open till 14th March 2017. 

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