RSMSSB Paramedical Syllabus 2017, Exam Pattern:
Good News for the candidates who are going to apply for the RSMSSB Paramedical posts. The RSMSSB Paramedical Syllabus is the main step to achieve the target of getting a job in RSMSSB Paramedical. Aspirants who are going to write the exam are doubtful about its preparation. So Aspirants can now start preparation by knowing the exam pattern & Syllabus. So here we had given the clear exam pattern & syllabus for the candidates who are eagerly waiting for the exam. Applicants who are searching for the syllabus can check the actual information here.
RSMSSB Paramedical Syllabus 2017:
Aspirants who are searching for the RSMSSB Paramedical examination. Here you can know the previous question papers & exam pattern & other important information from our site. You can download previous RSMSSB Paramedical question papers here before attending the exam applicants can check for the previous question papers, syllabus & exam pattern here. Practice these previous papers well to score good marks in your exam. Aspirants can only use them as a reference for their preparation. First, the candidates must know the pattern of the exam so that he can judge what to read and what not to so for the sake of candidates here we are providing both exam pattern and syllabus. Keep visiting all India jobs for regular syllabus and job updates.RSMSSB Paramedical Syllabus 2017:
RSMSSB Eye Assistant Syllabus- Fixation of tissues.
- Fixatives Tissue processing.
- Section Cutting Microtomes.
- Knives Mounting.
- Mountants Staining.
- H&E.
- Common Special Stains.
- Urine Examination (Routine & Micro.) Stool Examination for Ova &
- Cyst Sputum for Acid Fast Bacilli Throat Swab for KLB Scrapings
- for Hansen’s Bacilli CSF.
- Other Fluid Examination Semen Analysis.
- Haemoglobin, RBC.
- Total & Differential Count ESR.
- PCV.
- Absolute Values Reticulocyte Count Platelet Counting Bleeding Time & Clotting Time Blood Smear for Malaria & Filaria.
- Slide & Tube method Major and Minor Cross Matching Rh.
- Rh Antibody Titre Direct & Indirect Coomb’s test Donor Screening for Safe Blood Identification.
- Typing.
- ABC Groping.
- Labeling & Maintaining the Records Anticoagulant preparation Component Separation.
- Must be conversant with the below radio graphic photography.
- Physics.
- Biology.
- Equipment of radio diagnostic radiography.
- Knowledge of equipment for diagnostic radiography.
- Radiographic technique.
- Equipment for miniature radiography.
- Cystography.
- Prosthetic Dentistry.
- Artificial Tooth-Their Selection.
- Principles of Cavity Preparation.
- Conservative Dentistry & Pedodontics.
- Acrylic Partial Denture.
- Immediate Partial Dentures.
- Oral Surgery.
- Bleaching of Teeth.
- Management of Haemorrhage in Oral Surgery.
- Periodontics & Orthodontics.
- Drugs in Periodontics.
- Oral Medicine and Radiology.
- Blood Dyscrasias and their Management.
- Radio logical Interpretation etc.