Faculty vacancy in PGIMER Chandigarh 2017 | 2017 Government Sarkari Naukri Jobs

PGIMER  Naukri Vacancy RecruitmentPost Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research (PGIMER)
Published by http://indianjobs.co.in

 Faculty naukri vacancy in PGIMER Chandigarh 

The PGIMER, Chandigarh invites applications from Indian Nationals for recruitment to the following Faculty posts  :

Vacancies :

  1. Professor :  30 posts (UR-16, OBC-13, SC-1) in various disciplines / subjects 
  2. Additional Professor :  01 post  (UR)
  3. Associate Professor :  01 post (UR) 
  4. Assistant Professor :  47 posts (UR-12, OBC-25, SC-6, ST-4)  in various disciplines / subjects   including Dental and Non-Medical disciplines

Application Fee :

Rs. 1000/- (Rs.500/- for SC/ST)  to be deposited in State Bank of India (SBI) through payment challan.

Naukri Vacancy Recruitment in PGIMER Chandigarh

How to Apply : 

Apply online from 31/01/2017 to 25/02/2017 at PGIMER website only.  Hard Copy of the system generated application should be send to the O/o Assistant Administrative Officer, Recruitment Cell, PGIMER, Sector-12, Chandigarh on or before 28/02/2017.

Details and online submission of application : 

Please visit Vacancies link at PGIMER Chandigarh website  http://pgimer.edu.in to view the details and online application form.

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