(Council of Scientific and Industrial Research - CSIR)
Jamshedpur - 831007 (Jharkhand)
Recruitment of Scientist posts in NML Jamshedpur
National Metallurgical Laboratory (NML), a constituent unit of CSIR. Applications are invited in the prescribed form from Indian nationals for the following Scientist posts (Advertisement No. 03/2016) :
Scientist Vacancy :
- Scientist / Senior Scientist : 08 posts (UR-4, OBC-3, SC-1), Pay Scale : Rs. 15600 - 39100 grade pay Rs. 6600 / Rs. 7600, Age : 32 / 37 years
Application Fee :
Rs.100/- (No fee from SC/STOBC/PWD candidates) in the form of Demand Draft in favour of The Director, CSIR-NML, Jamshedpur payable at SBI, NML Branch, Jamshedpur - 831007.
How to Apply :
Apply only at NML website from 15/11/2016 to 14/12/2016 only.