Analogy concepts - 4 Placement Paper 2016-2017 Written Questions Aptitude


D. Tools and their Action

1. Axe - Grind
2. Auger - Bore
3. Knife - Cut
4. Gun - Shoot
5. Pen/pencil - Write
6. Razor - Shave
7. Spoon - Feed
8. Spade - Dig
9. Shovel - Scoop
10. Shield - Guard
11. Swore - Slaughter
12. File - Cut, smoothen, shaping

E. Product and Raw Material
1. Book - Paper
2. Butter - Milk
3. Cloth - Fibre
4. Furniture - Wood
5. Fabric - Yarn
6. Jewellery - Gold
7. Linen - Flax
8. Metal - Ore
9. Oil - Seed
10. Shoes - Leather
11. Wine - Grapes
12. Wall - Brick
13. Pullover - Wool
14. Rubber - Latex
15. Sack - Jute
16. Ketchup - Tomatoes
17. Vodka - Rye, potatoes, vegetables
18. Beer - Malt

F. Worker and Working Place
1. Artist - Theatre
2. Actor - Stage
3. Beautician - Parlour
4. Clerk - Office
5. Doctor - Hospital/Clinic
6. Farmer - Field/Farm
7. Engineer - Site
8. Gambler - Casino/Joint
9. Grocer - Shop
10. Lawyer/Judge - Court
11. Mechanic - Garage/Factory
12. Painter - Gallery
13. Servant - House
14. Sailor - Ship
15. Scientist - Laboratory
16. Worker - Factory.

G. Word and Intensity/Degree
1. Anger - Rage
2. Crime - Sin
3. Error - Blunder
4. Famous - Renowned
5. Moist - Drench, Wet
6. Hot - Warm/Sizzle/Tepid
7. Kirdle - Burn, Smoulder
8. Sink - Drown
9. Unhappy - Sad, Doleful
10. Refuse - Deny
11. Quarrel - War, Fight, Altercation
12. Cold - Cool, Freezing
13. Adore - Love


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