Analogy concepts - 3 Placement Paper 2016-2017 Written Questions Aptitude


Examples of Important Relationships
Quantity and Unit:-

1. Beauty - Helena
2. Angle - Radians
3. Water depth - Fathom
4. Area - Acres, Hectares
5. Ship speed - Knots
6. Precious stones - Carat
7. Work - Joule
8. Earthquake - Richter
9. Power - Watt
10. Force - Newton
11. Volume - Litres
12. Luminosity - Candela
13. Interstellar distance - Light years
14. Radiation - Roentgen
15. Electric current - Ampere
16. Sound - Decibel
17. Mass - Kilogram, pound
18. Temperature - Degree
19. Potential - Volt
20. Magnetic field - Oersted
21. Frequency - Hertz
22. Electric resistance - Ohm
23. Energy - Joules
24. Length of light waves - Angstrom
25. Pressure - Pascal
26. Rainfall - Centimetres

Animal and Young ones:-

1. Ass - Foal
2. Bear/Lion/Tiger/Wolf - Cub
3. Butterfly - Caterpillar
4. Cat - Kitten
5. Cow/Bull/Ox - Calf
6. Duck - Duckling
7. Hen - Chicken
8. Horse/Stallion/Mare - Pony, filly, colt, foal
9. Frog - Tadpole
10. Goat - Lamb, kid
11. Insect - Larvae
12. Man - Child, baby
13. Pig - Farrow, piglets
14. Sheep - Lamb
15. Housefly - Grub, maggot
16. Dog - Puppy

Animals and their sounds / cries

1. Asses - Bray
2. Bears - Growl
3. Bees - Hum
4. Birds - Chirp
5. Camels - Grunt
6. Cats - Mew
7. Cattle - Low
8. Cocks - Crow
9. Crows - Caw
10. Dogs - Bark
11. Doves - Coo
12. Ducks - Quack
13. Elephants - Trumpet
14. Flies - Buzz
15. Frogs - Croak
16. Geese - Cackle
17. Hawks - Scream
18. Hyenas - Laugh
19. Horse - Neigh
20. Jackals - Howl
21. Lambs - Bleat
22. Lions - Roar
23. Mice - Squeak
24. Wolves - Yell
25. Monkey - Chatter
26. Nightingales - Sing
27. Owls - Hoot
28. Oxen - Low
29. Parrots - Talk
30. Pigeons - Coo
31. Pigs - Grunt
32. Puppies - Yelp
33. Sheep - Bleat
34. Sparrows - Chirp
35. Tigers - Roar
36. Vultures - Scream


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