Jntu Study Materials 2016 | Previous Question PapersJNTU MBA 2nd Sem Materials with Previous Question Papers

Here is the collection of JNTU MBA 2nd Sem Material with old question papers. You can download by clicking on the subject name.

           The downloaded file contain both materials and previous question for each and every subject. Now you can review your subject easily. 

Business Environment_1 (1.9MB) - Click Here

Business Environment _2 (1.7MB) - Click Here

Product & Operations Management_1 (3MB) -Click Here

Product & Operations Management _2 (6.4MB) -Click Here

Product & Operations Management _3 (12MB) -Click Here  

Human Resource Management (475KB) -Click Here

Marketing Management ( 1.2MB )-Click Here

Financial Management (6.3MB) -Click Here

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