Government Jobs Septmeber 2016 |Recruitment for various job posts in NTPC last date 7th Sep-2016

Recruitment in NTPC National Thermal Power Limited (NTPC)
NTPC Bhawan, Scope Complex, Core-7, Institutional Area
Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003 Published by

Recruitment for various job posts in NTPC

 NTPC is looking for to recruitment for various job posts for   its various Projects / Stations / Offices  through online submission of application  (Advt. No. 03/2016) :

  1. Finance Executives : 30 posts in E3 and E4 level (E3-20, E4-10)  
  2. Safety Officers : 10 posts in E1/E2/E3 level
  3. SAP - ABAP / BASIS / DC Operation  Executives: 08 posts in E3/E4 level  
  4. Mines Surveyor : 04 posts in E1  level 
  5. Medical Officer (GDMO) : 20 posts in E2  
  6. Medical Specialist (Medicine / Radiology) : 22 posts in E2/E3  level  
  7. Finance Executives : 30 posts in E3 and E4 level (E3-20, E4-10),  Qualification : CA/ ICWA.
    Pay Scale :

    1. E4 - Rs. 32900-58000
    2. E3 - Rs. 29100-54500
    3. E2 - Rs. 24900-50500
    4. E1 - Rs. 20600-46500
    Application Fee : Rs.300/- (No fee for SC/ST/PWD candidates)  to be deposited in State Bank of India. 

    How to Apply :  Apply Online at NTPC website from 17/08/2016 to 07/09/2016 only. 

    Please visit NTPC career website for more details and online submission of application. 

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