Government Jobs Septemeber 2016 | Senior level job post in UTIITSL last date 7th Sep-2016
UTI Infrastructure Technology and Services Limited (UTIITSL)
(a Government of India company)
UTI - ITSL Tower, Plot No 3, Sector 11, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai - 400614.
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UTI Infrastructure Technology and Services Ltd. (UTIITSL), invites the applications from Indian citizens for the various grades :
- Assistant Vice President (Chartered Accountant) : 01 post
- Assistant Vice President (Medical Bill Processing Professionals) : 05 posts
- Assistant Vice President (Valuation Analyst) : 01 post
- Divisional Manager (IT Professional) : 02 posts
- Senior Manager (IT Professional) : 02 posts
How to Apply : Apply Online at UTIITSL website on or before 07/09/2016 only. Copy of system generated application shall be sent duly signed along with copies of certificates / documents for proof of date of birth, educational qualification, work experience, community certificate and other related documents duly attested, addressed to the Head HR at the address: UTI Infrastructure Technology and Services Limited, UTIITSL Towers, Plot No.3, Sector 11, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai - 400614 in a cover superscribed as “Application for the post of _________ ” through registered post / speed post on or before 14/09/2016
For details and to apply online, please visit: