Government Jobs Septemeber 2016 | IIT Patna Administrative and Technical Cadre posts last date 19/09/2016

Job vacancy in IIT Patna Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Patna
Patliputra Colony, Patna - 800013, Bihar
Published for

Recruitment of Administrative and Technical Cadre posts

Application is prescribed format are invited from Indian Nationals for filling up the following 47 posts in IIT Patna n Administrative, Services and Technical Cadre :

  1. Registrar : 01 post
  2. Deputy Registrar : 01 post
  3. Superintenending Engineer : 01 post
  4. Executive Engineer : 02 posts
  5. Assistant Engineer : 02 posts
  6. Medical Officer : 01 post
  7. Security Officer : 01 post
  8. Assistant Registrar : 04 posts
  9. Training and Placement Officer : 01 post
  10. Senior Technical Superintendent  : 01 post
  11. Audit/Accounts Officer : 01 post
  12. Junior Technical Superintendent : 22 posts
  13. Junior Superintendent : 04 posts
  14. Junior Mechanic/ Technician : 04 posts
  15. Junior Assistant : 01 post
How to Apply : The complete application should be sent by hand or by speed post to Deputy Registrar (Admin.), IIT Patna, Patliputra Colony, Patna - 800013 (Bihar) on or before the last date, which is 19/09/2016.

Please visit for details and application format.

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